Wimborne First School Prospectus
The school will: • Remind staff to comply with social distancing guidance outside of school. • Stay alert for any pupils demonstrating symptoms of the virus and send them home. • Ensure classroom desks are as socially spaced as possible. • Organise pupils and staff into working ‘bubbles’ with a designated teacher. • Stagger arrival and collection times and put in place appropriate measures to enable pupils and adults to socially distance. • Organise the premises and pupil movement in a way that reduces contact with other pupils. • Allocate toilets to specific classroom ‘bubbles’ to support social distancing. • Zone outdoor areas to restrict contact between the different ‘bubbles’. • Provide pupils with their own personal equipment/ small group equipment for use only by them. • Provide cleaning equipment for teachers’ use in all classrooms. • Follow cleaning routines to keep the premises clean throughout the day. • Provide soap and sanitiser for use by pupils throughout the school. • Reinforce safe hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene at all times. • Ensure shared resources and toys are cleaned at least once a day. • Ensure a thorough clean each day and then provide a deep clean of the school on a Friday afternoon. • Provide packed lunches to minimise risks of cross contamination. • Regularly review risk assessments, taking account the changing situation relating to the coronavirus and subsequent emerging government guidance. • Inform parents of any new changes in guidance for schools. • Ensure learning focuses on pupils’ health and well-being, PSHE, English and maths. • Discuss the new amendment to the behaviour policy when pupils come to school and as needed. • Not attend school with any coronavirus symptoms and book a test immediately. Home School Agreement during the Covid-19 pandemic 22