Wimborne First School Prospectus
Term dates and holidays 2020/21 Holidays Good attendance is vital if children are going to fulfil their potential. Repeated absence can result in significant gaps in their learning and it can take children several weeks to settle back into routines after absences of one week or more. In line with the latest Department of Education regulations, no holiday will be authorised in term time other than in exceptional circumstances, for example, for compassionate reasons, for supporting education, music or sport, or if there are family members in the armed forces. If your child isn’t attending school, for any other reason than medical, please complete a leave of absence request from. Forms can be collected from the school office or downloaded from the school website. 21 AUTUMN TERM 2020 Thursday 3rd September - Friday 18th December STAFF TRAINING DAY Thursday 3rd - Friday 4th September Friday 18th December HALF TERM Monday 26th October - Friday 30th October CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY Monday 21st December - Friday 1st January STAFF TRAINING DAY Monday 4th January 2021 SPRING TERM 2021 Monday 4th January - Thursday 1st April HALF TERM Monday 15th February - Friday 19th February EASTER HOLIDAY Friday 2nd April - Friday 16th April SUMMER TERM 2021 Monday 19th April - Friday 23rd July BANK HOLIDAY Monday 3rd May HALF TERM Monday 31st May - Friday 4th June