Wimborne First School Prospectus

The Parent s, Teachers and Friends Association Home Learning Home Learning can make an important contribution to childrens’ progress at school. As well as reinforcing learning in the classroom, homework helps children to develop the skills and attitudes they will need for successful, independent lifelong learning. Parents, pupils, staff and governors agree that homework has the following main purposes: • Developing an effective partnership between the school and parents. • Giving parents insight into their child’s learning and achievements. • Reinforcing, consolidating and extending classroom learning particularly in Numeracy and Literacy. Throughout their time at Wimborne First School & Nursery, pupils will be encouraged to spend some time each week at home following up work or completing tasks set by the teacher. Most of the time pupils will be able to complete the work on their own, but there will be times when they need parents help. Tasks set will include reading, projects, spellings and researching, investigating and reinforcing work that is covered in class. Children keep their home learning in a zipped wallet and the teacher will comment on each weeks piece of home learning and set some more for the following week. How Parent s can Help Try to encourage your child to do their homework when it is still fresh in their mind and be generous with praise and cuddles when they have finished it. In addition, take time to read together, play games and when you are out and about talk about what you can see to capture their interest in people, places and events. The PTFA is made up of parents, friends and teachers who meet once each half term to discuss ways of fund raising for the school. All parents are very welcome and we hope that you will want to come along and get involved. Any amount of help is valuable, so if you can spare a little time please contact the school office and ask for a volunteer application form. Fundraising events at Wimborne First have included: • Summer and Christmas fayres • Circus • School discos • Quiz nights and bingo evenings • Summer ice-cream sales after school • Coffee and croissants at class assemblies All the money raised is spent on quality enrichment activities for the children. If you would like to contact the PTFA you can do so by emailing them at: PTFA@wimbornefirst.dorset.sch.uk 15