Wimborne First School Prospectus
What O fsted say Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education) inspectors visit schools approximately once every three years. The current Ofsted framework involves inspectors visiting schools currently rated as ‘Good’ and deciding whether this has changed since the last judgement. They look at areas of school life and grades: outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate. We are therefore very proud of our last report (February 2019), as the school “continues to be good”. If you wish to read the full report, there is a link through the school website www.wimbornefirst.dorset.sch.uk or go straight to the Ofsted website at www.ofsted.gov.uk. Progress report s Tracking of pupil progress towards meeting Age Related Expectations is the responsibility of the class teachers. Subject Leaders, alongside the Headteacher and senior leadership team, check the progress of all pupils within their subject. Whilst class teachers will monitor pupil progress on a daily basis, the whole school progress is reviewed on a half termly basis in line with the school assessment cycle. At these points, children who need extra support will be identified and given extra support through small intervention groups. We hold parent consultations in the autumn and spring term to report on progress so far and the next steps in your child’s learning. In the summer term, each child receives a school report which outlines their ability in each of the curriculum areas. Special educational needs We believe that each child is unique and strive to promote an inclusive and caring community within our school, especially when it comes to Special Educational Needs. We value each child equally and understand the importance of showing flexibility and adaptability to our teaching approaches to ensure that we can remove the barriers to learning that SEN children may face. We aim to ensure that every child is able to access the learning they need to be successful. Wherever possible we try to ensure that children receive additional support within their class environment, however we also recognise that in some cases a child may require a more individualised approach. We are very lucky to have a highly qualified SEN Team who are able to work with children on a range of skills to support their learning. We currently run Emotional Literacy Support Assistant groups, motor control skills, subject booster groups, individual precision teaching and Speech and Language sessions. We believe it is important to tailor support to the specific needs of our children and set them achievable goals to guarantee everyone is able to experience success in their learning. We work extremely closely with several external, specialised agencies to support children who have more complex additional needs. We also always ensure that parents are consulted at every step. If you have any concerns regarding SEN, please email our Inclusion Leader – SENCO@wimbornefirst.dorset.sch.uk Pastoral At Wimborne First School & Nursery, our aim is to provide the highest quality pastoral care throughout the school. All staff work together to help pupils at Wimborne First School & Nursery achieve their best, educationally, socially and emotionally. Every member of staff is committed to supporting the emotional health and well-being of all our children and their families. We are happy to speak to pupils and parents/ carers about any concerns they may have. However, we also have a dedicated Pastoral Care Team, led by Mrs Pritchard, Assistant Headteacher. Her work is supported by all staff but particularly by Mrs Harmer, SENCo, Miss Thomas and Mrs Malley. Our children are encouraged to make the most of their time at Wimborne First School & Nursery, so every effort is made to remove obstacles to successful learning and to equip young people with the confidence and skills to be enthusiastic learners and effective members of the community. Our aims are: • To provide an environment which will support the emotional health and well-being of all our pupils. • To support and empower families who are experiencing challenges. • To meet the differing needs of all our children so that each unique child is equipped with life-long skills. • To help our children develop empathy for social, spiritual, emotional and physical needs within the school. • To maintain an atmosphere in which children feel secure, are encouraged in their learning, growth and social development and know that they are valued within a healthy and safe environment. • To model for parents/carers that their children are being educated in a safe and nurturing environment. • To promote positive relationships with parents/carers through good communication and interaction. • To enhance parental awareness of how children learn and the importance of education. • To work with a range of stakeholders, parents, support staff, outreach agencies and other schools to ensure the best outcomes for every pupil. If you have any concerns and would like to discuss this with our Pastoral Care Team, please email Pastoral@wimbornefirst.dorset.sch.uk 13