Wimborne First School Prospectus
Computing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technology. We have invested a large amount of money in new technologly to cater for the ‘computing curriculum’ where children build on existing skills, which they will also use in everyday life. We work closely with the Safer Schools Community Team (SSCT) and focus on E-Safety and keeping children safe online. Religious Education and Collective Worship Religious Education is based upon the ‘Discovery’ teaching programme. An enquiry based approach which covers the major religions of the world. The children will learn about the lives and beliefs of others as well as developing their own personal views and understanding. The material taught to the children is informative, rather than persuasive and aims to develop the skills with which evaluation and respect can take place. We have a combination of class, year group and whole school assemblies which have a social, moral and spiritual basis. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship and should write to the Headteacher to formally request this. Art and Design Art and Design should inspire, challenge and engage children, giving them the skills they need to experiment, invent and create fantastic pieces of art, craft and design. Through a cross-curricular, topic based approach, our children begin to explore a wide range of artistic techniques and contribute and think critically about the world of art. We are very fortunate to have an on-site, fully equipped specialised art cabin where all our children have the opportunity to get creative. The curriculum continued 10