Safeguarding Adults Procedures

50 Agenda for Safeguarding Adults Multi-Agency Risk Management Meeting - Self-Neglect and Hoarding  Statement of Confidentiality and Equal Opportunities/Completion of Signing in Sheet (Contact details to be provided for distribution of notes).  Introductions and Apologies.  Details of the Adult at Risk (Name/Date of birth/Address/GP/Family/partner if known).  Background to the concerns. (To include what interventions and/or actions have been tried previously).  Confirmation of the Adults at Risk’s capacity around the health and wellbeing.  Identification of the potential need to engage with an Advocate.  Relevant Information sharing from each agency.  Establish if the Adult at Risk is aware that professionals have concerns and if their consent has been gained to be the subject of the Risk Management Meeting. If this is not known at this stage decide how obtaining consent will be achieved and record as an action. Discuss what action may be taken if consent is not obtained.  Assessment of the risks – agree severity and any evidence to support views.  Agree actions to manage/reduce risks. Identify actions to be taken and by whom and by when.  Identify and agree who is the most appropriate person to talk with the adult at risk following the meeting; support and empower them to make any decisions and take agreed actions.  Agree how the risks will be monitored and by whom.  Review - agree at timescale for a review of the risks and the situation (where possible).