Safeguarding Adults Procedures
49 RESTRICTED Template letter for Managing Situations of Concern relating to Self-Neglect and Hoarding Sender’s address and contact telephone number Address Please ask for: Ref: Date: Dear Multi-agency risk management meeting – self-neglect and hoarding concerns. You are in receipt of this letter because you or the agency you work for are aware of concerns about the person named below. You are invited to attend or send a representative. Name of Adult at Risk: Address: Date of Birth: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: Venue: Chair’s Name: Tel. No.: Reason for Meeting: This meeting has been arranged to discuss the issues relating to the adult at risk of self- neglect and hoarding. Their safety and welfare will be the most important consideration of the meeting. The meeting has been convened in accordance with the “Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole and Dorset Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy & Procedures” and will follow the attached agenda. All meeting attendees should be aware that the information exchanged is confidential to the parties involved, and only to be shared on a need to know basis. If you are unable to attend or send a representative please inform the Chair, (name and contact details shown above), as soon as possible. Yours sincerely Name Job Title The following persons have been invited to attend: Enc: INSERT RELEVANT LOGO
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