Safeguarding Adults Procedures
42 practitioner meetings and a monthly management meeting. cases of domestic violence and abuse between different statutory and voluntary sector agencies. See HSCA (Health and Social Care Act 2012) provides legislative changes to the health and care system including giving GPs and other clinicians the primary responsibility for commissioning health care. HSE (Health and Safety Executive) a national independent regulator that aims to reduce work- related death and serious injury across workplaces in the UK. Ill treatment or wilful neglect these are two separate offences outlined in the MCA 2005 (Section 44), the MHA 1983 (section 127) and the Criminal Justice and Courts Act (2015) introduces two new offences of Ill-treatment or wilful neglect: care worker offence (Section 20); Ill-treatment or wilful neglect: care provider offence (Section 21). The offence of Ill treatment involves deliberately ill-treating the person or being reckless in the way they were ill-treating the person or not. It does not matter whether the behaviour was likely to cause, or caused, harm or damage to the victim’s health. Wilful neglect varies depending on the circumstances but will usually mean an individual has deliberately failed to carry out an act they knew they had a duty to do. (Genuine errors or accidents by individuals fall outside of the scope of these offences. IMCA (Independent Mental Capacity Advocate) established by the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 IMCAs are mainly instructed to represent adults where there is no one independent of services, such as family, partner or friend. IMCAs are a legal safeguard for adults who lack the mental capacity to make specific important decisions about where they live, serious medical treatment options, care reviews or adult safeguarding concerns. IMHA (Independent Mental Health Advocate) An IMHA is an independent advocate who is specially trained to work within the framework of the Mental Health Act 1983 to support adults to understand their rights under the Act and participate in decisions about their care and treatment. Inherent jurisdiction Adults who have mental capacity are outside the jurisdiction of Mental Capacity Act 2005. The High Court can use its inherent jurisdiction in specific circumstances to intervene to protect adults with care and support when it is evidenced the adult is unable to make a decision that is free from influence or coercion from a third party. IOPC (The Independent Office of Police Conduct) oversees the police complaints system in England and Wales. It is independent, making its decisions entirely independently of the police, government and complainants. Intermediary someone appointed by the courts to help a vulnerable witness give their evidence either in a police interview or in court. Making Safeguarding Personal is about having conversations with adults about how we might respond in safeguarding situations in a way that enhances involvement, choice and control as well as improving quality of life, wellbeing and safety. It is a shift from a process supported by conversations to a series of conversations supported by a process. MAPPA (multi-agency public protection arrangements) statutory arrangements for managing sexual and violent offenders. MARM (Multi-Agency Risk Management) guidance concerns arrangements to hold meetings concerning adults at risk in the community experiencing a high or unmanageable level of risk because of circumstances which might cause harm to themselves or others. Where this potentially relates to harm or abuse caused by others a MARM meeting should only be held by agreement with the local Safeguarding Team that there is no conflict with the need to pursue the matter under Section 42 (ii) of the Care Act Safeguarding Regulatory Guidance. Some MARM discussions will be held about adults are self-neglecting. The full set of criteria are
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