Safeguarding Adults Procedures
39 frail, with a disability or long-term illness or those with mental health problems, and family carers. Care and support includes assessment of people’s needs, provision of services and the allocation of funds to enable a person to purchase their own care and support. It could include care home, domiciliary care, personal assistants, day services, or the provision of aids and adaptations. Care setting/services includes health care, nursing care, social care, domiciliary care, social activities, support setting, emotional support, housing support, emergency housing, befriending and advice services and services provided in someone’s own home by an organisation or paid employee for a person by means of a personal budget (PB), direct payment or funded by the person themselves. Carer refers to unpaid carers for example, relatives or friends of the adult with care and support needs. Paid workers, including personal assistants, whose job title may be ‘carer’, are called ‘staff’. Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) A commissioning body responsible to NHS England for commissioning healthcare services in a defined area. Clinical governance the framework through which the National Health Service (NHS) improves the quality of its services and ensures high standards of care. Coercion and control refers to circumstances where a person with whom an adult is personally connected repeatedly behaves in a way which makes him/her feel controlled, dependent, isolated or scared. It became law as part of the Serious Crime Act, 2015. Consent the voluntary and continuing permission of the person to the intervention based on an adequate knowledge of the purpose, nature, likely effects and risks of that intervention, including the likelihood of its success and any alternatives to it. Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) a team of professionals and support staff who provide specialist mental health services to adults within their community. CPA (Care Programme Approach) introduced in England by the then Dept of Health in 1990 the CPA requires health authorities, in collaboration with social services departments, to put in place specified arrangements for the care and treatment of adults with mental ill health in the community. The approach is not an alternative to utilising the safeguarding procedures. It can however be used to enhance the ongoing support following a safeguarding enquiry. The actual contact and support to a person may continue and therefore he/she may still be in receipt of care management or CPA input in which case their situation will be reviewed through those processes. This will include monitoring the safeguarding plan as necessary. CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) the government department responsible for prosecuting criminal cases investigated by the police in England and Wales. CQC (Care Quality Commission) responsible for the registration and regulation of health and social care provision in England. Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 which has extended wilful neglect to all in receipt of services not just adults who lack capacity under the Mental Capacity Act or who are defined as having a mental illness under the Mental Health Act. Cuckooing . In July 2017 the Home Office issued “Criminal Exploitation of children and vulnerable adults: County lines guidance”, providing detailed explanations and examples. County lines is the term used by Police forces when gangs supply drugs to suburban areas and market and coastal towns using mobile phone lines. It involves criminal exploitation as gangs use children, young people and adults at risk to move drugs and money. Gangs establish a
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