Safeguarding Adults Procedures
38 Glossary of terms and conditions A&E (accident & emergency) a common name in the UK for the emergency department of a hospital. Abuse the Care Act Statutory guidance does not provide a general definition of what constitutes abuse, harm or neglect so as not to limit thinking in this area. It is recognised that abuse or neglect can take many forms and the circumstances of the adult should always be considered. The following are identified as common types of abuse or neglect - physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, financial, material, neglect, acts of omission, discriminatory, organisational, domestic abuse, modern slavery and self-neglect (this list is not exhaustive). ACPO ( Association of Chief Police Officers) an organisation that leads the development of police policy in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. ADASS (Association of Directors of Adult Social Services) the national leadership association for directors of local authority adult social care services. Adult Safeguarding the term used to cover all work undertaken to support adults with care and support needs to maintain their own safety and well-being. It describes the preventative and responsive actions undertaken to support adults who are experiencing, or at risk of experiencing abuse or neglect Adult safeguarding contact points the place where safeguarding concerns are raised within the local area. This is the local authority single point of contact. The details are on page 5. Adult safeguarding co-ordinator/lead these titles or similar are used to describe an individual who has safeguarding lead responsibilities across an organisation. For example, supporting the work of the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) and/or advising on adult safeguarding cases in the local authority. The role varies from council to council and carries different titles. Adult safeguarding process refers to the decisions and subsequent actions taken on receipt of a concern. This process can include safeguarding meetings or discussions, Enquiries, a safeguarding plan and monitoring and review arrangements. Adult with care and support needs someone 18 or above who has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) and; is experiencing, or at risk of, abuse or neglect; and because of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of abuse or neglect. Advocacy taking action to help adults who experience substantial difficulty contributing to the safeguarding process to say what they want, secure their rights, represent their interests and obtain the services they need. Appropriate adult is an individual who provides support to a “vulnerable adult” (adult with care and support needs) who is suspected of committing a crime to ensure their interests are protected during detention and the police investigation. This role can be undertaken by a parent, guardian, and social worker of a local authority or other responsible adult over the age of 18 who is not a police officer or employed by the police. Assessment and support planning the process of assessment of need, planning and co- ordinating care for adults with care and support needs to meet their long-term care needs, improve their quality of life and maintain their independence for as long as possible. Care and Support needs The mixture of practical, financial and emotional support for adults who need extra help to manage their lives and be independent – including adults who are more Appendix 1 - Glossary
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