Safeguarding Adults Procedures

31  Complete Nominated Enquirer Report  Attend meetings as required  Ensure Risk Management Plan is in place  Work to agreed actions The local authority will include in its request for an agency or individual to undertake the NE role, the following information as a minimum: -  The person’s views on the enquiry and outcome wanted  A view about the person’s capacity to decide about issues relevant to the concern  The period or dates under consideration which the NE should review  The main issues of concern to be looked at. Other Agencies will have their own roles and responsibilities for Safeguarding Enquiries and NE’s will only be asked to undertake tasks related to their role. See Appendix 3 . A model of the Nominated Enquirer form is included at Appendix 5 . For Role of Note Takers see Appendix 11. Purpose of the Enquiry Planning Meeting Once the concern has been allocated, after discussion with the EM the SAP will arrange to contact the person to seek their views and desired outcomes. EM’s and SAP’s must consider if it is necessary to hold a formal multi-agency EPM or a series of discussions, which could be face to face, virtually, e.g. teams, zoom or via the phone. This should take place at the start of the formal Section 42 Enquiry to agree and plan the tasks required. The commencement of a Police investigation is an exception to this when vital evidence gathering is required. In deciding whether to hold a formal meeting or a series of discussions, professional consideration must be given to the following:  The potential risk to the person being harmed and their views and wishes.  The risks to others from the person alleged to have caused/causing harm.  Whether several individuals or organisations have concerns and need to share information, i.e. CQC, CCG, Contracts, Police, Health, Provider service, Legal Advisor, Children’s Care Services etc.  Whether there may be several actions by different organisations.  Whether there may be legal or regulatory actions.  Whether the allegation involves a member of staff/employees/volunteer or the safety of a service.  Whether the situation could attract media attention.  Safety of service (large scale enquiry) The purpose of the Section 42 enquiry Planning Meeting or discussion is to:  confirm if consent has been gained from the adult at risk, (specify why if not gained).  consider the wishes of the adult at risk and the outcomes they are seeking.  agree how the person and others involved wish to be kept informed  agree timescales with the person at risk  agree a multi-agency plan to undertake an enquiry into the allegations  assess the risk to the person who is being harmed and address any immediate needs.  co-ordinate the sharing and collection of information about the harm or abuse  identify and agree roles and responsibilities.  ensure the adult at risk has been offered an advocate (where appropriate). See Appendix 15  consider options if the person lacks capacity with reference to decision making, e.g. whether a court appointed deputy is required. See Appendix 16 – Mental Capacity Enquiry Planning Meeting