Safeguarding Adults Procedures

29 Specific responsibilities of the Enquiry Manager  The adult at risk is involved in all decisions that affect their daily life.  Decisions are made in consultation with other relevant organisations to instigate the Safeguarding Adults enquiry.  An EPM or discussion is held to determine how the Safeguarding Adults enquiry will be conducted, who will conduct it and to ensure decisions are recorded and copied to relevant organisations.  The actions being taken by organisations are coordinated and monitored.  Those who need to know are kept informed.  Effective supervision and ongoing support are provided for the SAP.  The SAP monitors the accuracy of all records in line with their agency’s Quality Assurance Frameworks.  Respond to issues highlighted by risk assessments of the situation, e.g. lone working protocols and any environmental risks etc.  Preservation of confidentiality at all times of all concerned including employees under the Dorset Information Sharing Charter. See Appendix 9 : Information Sharing  Identify and agree the named person who will link and communicate with the adult who is thought to be at risk.  Task the SAP to produce a summary enquiry report where complexity or other circumstances dictate. The SAP should be a suitably experienced employee who has received specific training in undertaking safeguarding adults enquiries and will work under the supervision of the Adult Social Care (ASC) Manager. Neither the SAP nor ASC Manager should have line manager responsibilities for the person alleged to have caused harm, or work in the same department. The SAP will:  Coordinate and monitor the progress of the enquiry  Act as the NE if appropriate  Ascertain the wishes of the adult/s  Interview witnesses, including undertaking joint interviews with the Police or other agency  Assess risks  Formulate a safeguarding plan  Undertake Mental Capacity Assessment if required  Consider the adult’s needs for care and support and arrange assessment of these if required  Provide advice and guidance to the adult to ensure their full involvement, to include identifying an advocate where necessary  Help promote the person’s capability to protect themselves or the ability of their networks to increase the support they offer.  Identify the impact of the abuse/harm on the adult and the possible impact on important relationships  Respond to risks of harm/abuse being repeated or increasing in seriousness  Respond to risks that may involve children or other adults  Research evidence to inform any interventions  Agree with the adult any agencies or informal carers that need to be involved and liaise with as appropriate, to include appropriate sharing of information in line with OAISP  Gather and formulate evidence and make recommendations regarding achieving desired outcomes  Compile information for EPM and any other relevant records, e.g. chronology, case notes, Risk Assessment and Safeguarding Plan. An effective plan will need to consider not only the immediate circumstances but also take account of key features in the adult’s social and physical environment which will help understand and determine the risks. Specific responsibilities of the Safeguarding Adult Practitioner (SAP)