Safeguarding Adults Procedures

28  Referral to the appropriate safeguarding lead in relation to concerns about people in a position of trust who may pose a risk of harm to adults.  Referral for Safeguarding Adults Review (Care Act Section 44 refers). Actions taken or information and advice provided should aim to promote the adult’s wellbeing, prevent harm and reduce the risk of abuse or neglect, and promote an approach that concentrates on improving life for the adults concerned, and enables the person to achieve resolution and recovery. This may include:  A police investigation/prosecution.  Identifying powers to protect the adult at risk, for example, a restraining order  Actions under civil law, for example, an injunction.  Employee’s disciplinary proceedings.  Referrals to: ➢ the Disclosure and Barring Service ➢ the CQC in relation to a registered provider ➢ commissioners of the service in relation to breach of contracts ➢ a landlord in relation to a breach of a tenancy agreement.  An assessment for care and support needs or an assessment under Integrated Care Programme Approach (ICPA).  A healthcare assessment e.g. appointment with specialist or GP. Supporting an adult who makes repeated allegations An adult who makes repeated allegations that are shown to be unfounded should be treated without prejudice. Each allegation must be risk assessed and reviewed to establish if there is new information that requires action under these procedures. A risk assessment must be undertaken, and measures taken to protect staff and others, as necessary Each incident must be recorded. Organisations should have procedures for responding to such allegations that respect the rights of the adult, while protecting staff from the risk of unfounded allegations Responding to family members, partners, friends and neighbours who make repeated allegations Allegations of abuse or neglect made by family members, partners, friends or neighbours should be responded to without prejudice. However, where repeated allegations are made and there is no foundation to them and further Enquiries are not in the best interests of the adult, then local procedures for dealing with multiple, unfounded complaints should apply. The Enquiry – specific responsibilities The lead coordinating role as an EM in relation to individual cases is undertaken by operational managers of Adult Social Care. Jointly funded operational management posts e.g. CMHT/locality will also undertake the role of designated EM. An EM must be informed of any safeguarding concern arising in any organisation and has overall responsibility for coordinating the Safeguarding Adults Enquiry. The Manager in Adult Social Care who has responsibility to oversee an enquiry is called the EM and will identify an employee to be the designated SAP for the enquiry. Considering other lines of enquiry