Safeguarding Adults Procedures
26 What information might need to be gathered As a guide, the following sorts of information will be needed to enable effective decision-making: Details of the person raising the concern : Name, address, telephone number and email address (if there is one) Relationship to the adult Details of the source of information e.g. third party Details of the place where the harm occurred Details of the adult at risk: Name, address and telephone number. Date of birth, or age. Details of informal carer/s. Details of any other members of the household including children. Information about the primary care needs of the adult (i.e. disability or illness). Any previous concerns or contact with the responsible local authority made (check appropriate databases). Funding authority, if relevant. Ethnic origin and religion. Gender (including transgender and sexuality) Communication needs due to sensory or other impairments (including dementia), including any interpreter or communication requirements Whether the adult knows the concern was raised Whether the adult has consented to the concern being raised and, if not, on what grounds the decision was made to report the concern What is known of the person’s mental capacity? What are their views about the abuse or neglect? What they want done about it (if that is known at this stage) Details of how to gain access to the person and who can be contacted if there are difficulties Information about the abuse or neglect: How and when did the concern come to light? When did the potential abuse or neglect occur? Where did the potential abuse or neglect take place? What are the details of the potential abuse or neglect? What impact is this having on the adult? What is the adult saying about the abuse or neglect? Are there details of any witnesses? Is there any potential risk in contacting the adult? Is a child (under 18 years) at risk? Details of the person alleged to have caused the harm (if known): Name, age and gender. What is their relationship to the adult? Are they the adult’s main carer? Are they living with the adult? Are they a member of staff, paid carer or volunteer? What is their role? Are they employed through a Personal Budget / Direct Payment? Which organisation are they employed by? Are there other adults at risk from the person alleged to have caused/causing the harm? The enquiry review meeting is where the evidence sources will be evaluated Sources may include: Medical or forensic evidence.
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