Safeguarding Adults Procedures

20 Dorset Police is resolute in its commitment to tackling all forms of crime against adults at risk. Every member of the community deserves protection from exploitation and harm by those entrusted with their care and the people they should be able to rely on to keep them safe. People raising a concern must make it clear whether they are reporting a crime or suspected crime or seeking advice. Discuss with the relevant authority’s Adult Social Care safeguarding service who will advise. In an emergency call the Police on 999. The Police will ask: Partner agencies should contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) via secure email to This office is staffed 0800 to 1800 Monday to Friday. Once the referral is sent then a telephone discussion can take place by phoning 01202 222229. The Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) will facilitate early discussions which will decide if the referral is suitable for joint Adult Social Services and Police investigation or single agency action. A trained police officer will be responsible for arranging any forensic examination that is required. This will normally be conducted at Shores (a Sexual Assault Referral Centre). However, if this is not appropriate the officer will plan for the examination to be facilitated elsewhere. Who is reporting the concern? What did the adult at risk say happened? Who is alleged to have caused the harm? What else is known and who else saw it or knew about the incident? What crime is suspected of being committed? Further information can sometimes be obtained in a joint visit. What is recorded in daily records if these exist? (The Police can only seize records after an arrest is made or on authority of a Court Order) Did the adult at risk give consent for Do they have the capacity to give that consent and were they under influence or duress? What does the person want to happen? Do they want the police involved?