Safeguarding Adults Procedures

16 Review It may be necessary to convene an ERM to review outcomes of actions taken. Monitoring must continue until all agreed actions are achieved. Section 42(2) enquiry ends - outcomes achieved In circumstances where the person decides that they do not want a Section 42(2) enquiry to continue and no other person is at risk and the council is satisfied that no further action needs to be taken the Section 42(2) enquiry can be closed. Risks will have been addressed and specified outcomes achieved and, in addition the adult will have had the advice necessary to keep them safe. Below is a list of possible options, interventions or actions that could be considered. There may be others depending upon the individual circumstances. It is important for practitioners to use their professional judgement when thinking about what is best for the adult:  Advice and signposting. In BCP refer to – ‘My life my care’, in Dorset - Care and support for adults - Dorset Council  Assessment and care and support planning under Section 9 of the Care Act 2014 including the use of individualised budgets  Referral to other agencies e.g. housing, IDVA, health, advocacy, etc.  Guardianship/use of Mental Health Act 2007  Restriction/management of access to person alleged to have caused harm  Referral to Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC). High Risk Domestic Abuse in Dorset (HRDA) in Dorset.  Deprivation of Liberty (DoLS) authorisation  Use of the complaint procedure for a specified agency.  A safeguarding plan should be discussed, agreed (where possible) and given to the adult at risk to try to ensure they remain safe and that their wellbeing is promoted. It might be helpful if the MARM guidance is referred to as a means of formalising this planning process. The adult may choose not to accept or follow this plan.  Consideration will need to be given about how the safeguarding plan can be shared by relevant agencies.  Whenever possible provide feedback, even if only in outline, to the person or organisation who reports the concern in the first place. Complaints It is possible that the adult or their representative may be dissatisfied with the safeguarding process. If they complain this should be considered by the local authority that will signpost to the appropriate agency or have responsibility to deal with it themselves.