Safeguarding Adults Procedures
15 Evaluation of outcomes – Enquiry Review Meeting Either at or following the ERM the NE or allocated SAP must evaluate with the person the extent to which desired outcomes have been met and review if an ongoing safeguarding plan is needed. The person must be given every opportunity to say what she/ he thinks about their experience of this enquiry. The local authority and other agencies involved in the enquiry must also be satisfied that the adult(s) are safe and that risks to others are minimised, reduced or removed. Review plan Agree with the person when it is appropriate to review the safeguarding plan and who needs to be involved. Agree timescales including a decision to convene a further ERM. Closing a Safeguarding Section 42(2) enquiry If no further action is required regarding the specific Safeguarding enquiry then the case should be closed. A decision to close the Section 42(2) enquiry will be made by the Local Authority or the Police. Ensure the person who raised the concern is aware of the outcome within the limits demanded by confidentiality. Outcome achieved for adult but others at risk Adult’s outcomes have been met and they are safe. If there are other adults at risk or outstanding actions further steps need to be taken by the local authority and Section 42(2) duty should continue. If other adults are at risk, consideration needs to be given to whether further Section 42(2) enquiries need to be made for those adults and there may need to be a Large Scale Enquiry. Whilst the list is not exhaustive some actions that may be relevant and must be agreed with the person and/or their representative/advocate are: • Seek consent/agreement from the person at risk of harm, where possible. • Capacity assessment if deemed necessary • Make sure the rights of the adult are always taken into consideration. • Invoke interim safeguarding plan e.g. safe haven, person alleged to have caused harm arrested. • Joint interview with police. If further information is required on achieving best evidence in criminal proceedings refer to • Consider if other procedures need action at the same time e.g. complaints process, disciplinary process, contracts monitoring, assessment/review, referral to Children’s Services Outstanding actions It may be necessary to convene an EPM to consider and evaluate further actions required, to agree who will undertake these and check the person(s) agree. Mechanisms for reviewing and monitoring must also be agreed and documented. Other actions requiring local authority or other agency involvement may include the following: • CQC inspection • Contract monitoring • Care management • Disciplinary action • Trading standards • Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) or HRDA referral • Multi-agency Risk Management (MARM) This list is not exhaustive.
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