Safeguarding Adults Procedures

14 Section 42 (2) enquiry planning It is imperative to directly consult with the person to confirm what outcomes they want to achieve and what support they may need to keep safe and to manage risks. This is the initial Safeguarding Plan and, depending on the circumstances the format for recording this will vary, i.e. practitioners may use a Nominated Enquirer Report, Risk Assessment or other suitable document. Through this discussion, the SAP/NE (as appropriate) may agree with the person that other individuals and/or agencies need to be involved in the planning discussions and to take forward the responses. It may be possible to plan responses through a series of telephone calls or one to one discussion but it may be necessary to convene an Enquiry Planning Meeting (EPM) to agree a clear response plan and actions. See Appendix 3 The NE’s (person/people nominated to undertake the enquiry) must keep appropriate records (i.e. chronological notes) and ensure the SAP is updated. If the person does not wish to proceed with the Enquiry or their desired outcomes can be met at this point the enquiry can be closed. If an agency thinks that others are at risk of harm or abuse, the enquiry continues. If the allocated worker has any doubts they should refer the matter to their supervisor for support and guidance. It is necessary for the NE and/or the allocated SAP to periodically review the situation and interim safeguarding plan with the person and others involved to: • ensure risks are managed as effectively as possible • ensure agreed actions are progressing • to agree further actions as necessary • to make a record of the actions decided • It may be possible to achieve this through a series of telephone calls or small meetings; the need for larger multi-agency meetings is left to professional judgement. To develop strategies to reduce/manage risk whilst continuing to work with the adult Practitioners should continue to work with the person to meet their desired outcomes. It is important to emphasise that the person may choose not to engage with services or plans even though the agencies involved think they could help keep the person safe. Whilst it is vital to respect the person’s views other factors may have to be considered such as whether a capacity assessment is necessary. Expect to plan for and convene an Enquiry Review Meeting (ERM) at which all relevant reports/accounts can be considered.