Safeguarding Adults Procedures
125 4.2 It also provides guidance to those staff about what to do when information of an incident or concern about safeguarding is received. Staff are reminded that they should follow the Multi-Agency Procedures for the Protection of Adults with Care and Support Needs in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council and Dorset Council areas (revised and reissued August 2018) 4.3 The expectations on agency staff are as follows. 5. TRADING STANDARDS The responsibilities of Trading Standards officers are: 5.1 When encountering a concern that may be considered as safeguarding Trading Standards services will act as any other agency would and contact Adult Social Care/ Helpdesk 1 if the person meets the criteria (see Definitions and contact details at the end of this Appendix) and/or if the person appears to need social care services when the person appears to need support to stop the abuse or be protected from further abuse and they cannot provide this protection for themselves. if there may be other adults at risk from the same alleged perpetrator where there are signs and symptoms that other types of abuse may be occurring or may have occurred. Trading Standards officers can follow up referrals in writing if necessary. This service is provided for referrals from professionals and care agencies. It is appropriate to contact staff to talk about concerns and in circumstances even where there is uncertainty about whether to make a referral or not. This will help determine the next steps to be taken. 5.2 Protect the adult at risk and alert the emergency services if necessary 5.3 Discuss with the adult at risk about who will be informed and why. It is always advisable to seek permission from the adult at risk to pass information to social care/mental health services or the police. However, it should be noted that confidentiality and consent is not absolute. See Appendix 9 . 5.4 Inform the Police if a crime is suspected or is known to have been committed. 5.5 Take the account of the person seriously. Be alert to the need for, and have regard to, current guidance when the first contact is made with witnesses who may require additional support. Where necessary, the Trading Standards Officer will complete an intelligence log. 6. ADULT SOCIAL CARE STAFF 6.1 Staff from Adult Social Care should contact Trading Standards and Dorset Police where it is suspected or known that a trader’s behaviour may give rise for concern. This includes: Any traders suspected of offering goods or services fraudulently; An adult who might be perceived as being at risk is dealing with a trader in their own home; Where an adult at risk has been threatened or intimidated in any way by a trader; Where an adult at risk has been, or is being, escorted to the bank by a trader to withdraw money; Where the price quoted for work appears inflated and excessive or the initial price quoted has increased dramatically;
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