Safeguarding Adults Procedures
121 Case Example 3 BCP Council receives a safeguarding adult referral from a neighbour of an older woman. The concern relates to allegations that the woman’s daughter is abusing her mother physically and emotionally. The Council makes enquiries under Section 42 of the Care Act, and as their enquiries progress, they find out that the daughter lives in Hampshire and works as a carer for a homecare agency serving adults in that area BCP Council is the information owner and decides that - due to the nature of the cruel treatment alleged, that the daughter works with adults of a similar age to her mother, and that she works unsupervised with them in their own homes – they need to disclose the information and allegations to the daughter’s employer. By this stage of their enquiries, the daughter is aware that concerns have been raised about the way she treats her mother, so the Council tries to engage directly with the daughter to provide her with an opportunity to disclose to her employer, or to gain consent to share the information. The daughter refuses to do this, so the Council states they are sharing the information without her consent and make the disclosure directly to the registered manager of the homecare agency. BCP Council notifies Hampshire CC and the Care Quality Commission. Hampshire Council and the Care Quality Commission can follow up the issue with the homecare agency (under contract compliance/ regulatory processes) to gain assurance that the agency has risk assessed the issue properly and managed any identified risk to users of the service.
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