Safeguarding Adults Procedures
120 6. Case examples Case example 1 Case example 2 A 39-year-old woman is subject to longstanding domestic abuse risks from her partner. Children’s Services become involved due to potential impact on the couple’s children. As part of their assessment they identify that the woman works as a care assistant in a care home for older adults with dementia. Children’s Services consider the adult position of trust issues and framework. Children’s Services are the information owner and think through whether they have a duty to make a disclosure to the woman’s employer. Children’s Services decide that disclosure is not proportionate in the situation – the woman is in a very difficult domestic situation, is engaging well with Children’s Services to take steps to protect her children, and there is no evidence that either she or the abuse in her relationship would pose a likely risk of harm to the adults in the care home where she works. Children’s Services have a discussion with the woman and inform her that they will not be disclosing information to her employer but encourage her to tell her employer herself. The woman agrees to inform her employer about her home situation so that her employer can make a risk assessment and provide support for her in the work environment. A doctor employed in an NHS hospital is arrested by Police for historical child sex offences. The doctor works with a range of adults, some of whom will have needs for care and support. The Police are the information owner and decide they do need to disclose the information to the NHS Hospital Trust as the employer of the doctor. The Police inform the NHS Hospital Trust about the arrest for historical child sex offences and notify the Care Quality Commission as regulator and the local Clinical Commissioning Group as the commissioner of the hospital trust. The NHS Hospital Trust acts on the information and decides to suspend the doctor immediately. Their disciplinary process is placed on hold while the Police investigation progresses.
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