Safeguarding Adults Procedures

119 5.3 Taking action 5.3.1 The manager of the individual who is the subject of the allegation will work with the local safeguarding adults team and the Human Resources (HR) section of the relevant organisation to determine the appropriate course of action. 5.3.2 Cases may be referred to the agency’s disciplinary or capability policy and procedure. The individual's manager has responsibility to follow the procedure in a fair manner and to decide on the right course of action. The individual circumstances of the case may have an impact, for example, whether it is possible to conduct a disciplinary investigation in parallel with a police investigation, where applicable. 5.3.3 Before the employer takes action to protect the person, advice should be sought from HR and actions e.g. suspension of the staff member must only be approved and taken in accordance with the scheme of delegation. Neither the SABs nor police, if involved, can require the employer to suspend the member of staff. 5.3.4 In each case the manager must ensure that:  the level of risk to adults is properly considered and managed;  all alternative options and the consequences of any immediate action taken (for example, suspension) are considered;  action is taken in the best interests of all concerned, includes a risk assessment and is defensible  employment procedures (for example a disciplinary investigation) are appropriately followed;  HR advice is sought;  the employee who is subject of the allegation receives appropriate support, understands the procedures that will be followed and is kept informed of the progress of the case. 5.4 Taking action when the allegation is against a health professional When there is a serious allegation against a health professional the Clinical Commissioning Group, or from April 2022 the Integrated Care Board, Safeguarding Team should be informed. Whenever an allegation is made against a General Practitioner this should be reported to the CCG/ ICB Head of Safeguarding 5.5 Service commissioners and regulators 5.5.1. Service commissioners and regulators are expected to -  Use their contract compliance and regulatory processes to ensure that service providers have the right internal policy and procedural frameworks, and respond appropriately to manage risk in individual cases,  Monitor the activities of commissioned services in their compliance of this Framework.  Record the information and decisions clearly, including the rationale for any decision made.  Maintain records in line with internal agency record keeping policies and requirements.