Safeguarding Adults Procedures

114 Fig.1. Adult Position of Trust process – flowchart MANAGING CONCERNS AND ALLEGATIONS AGAINST PEOPLE WHO WORK WITH ADULTS WITH CARE AND SUPPORT NEEDS Process for dealing with the concern about the person in a position of trust (POT concern) Concern or allegation is identified or received by a relevant partner*, agency member of the local Safeguarding Adults Board, or other agency providing universal care and support services. The INFORMATION OWNER is identified. (This will usually be the agency or individual who first receives the information). The INFORMATION OWNER must decide whether it will disclose the information to the employee/volunteer’s employer & any relevant others. e.g. Concern raised through partner / agency duties. e.g Police. e.g. member of the public or other 3 rd party informs the partner / agency. Concern can be identified or raised in different ways e.g. information shared by LADO through Childrens processes. Whose information is it? Decision - Can the information be shared? NO Risk management / Employer actions YES Information owner makes a clear record, giving the rationale of why the information has not been shared. The Information Owner shares information with the employer (or volunteering manager). The employer (or volunteering manager) assesses the risk, and may investigate allegations through internal employment processes where it is appropriate to do so. The employer (or volunteering manager) takes risk management actions as appropriate to the individual case. (e.g. increased supervision or monitoring, disciplinary or dismissal. Referrals to other agencies- DBS, professional bodies like the HCPC, NMC). NB. * “relevant partners” as defined in Section 6, Care Act 2014. If deciding to disclose, manage the disclosure in line with best practice and legal requirements for the sharing of information. The Information Owner considers making a notification of the disclosure to the relevant commissioning agency and / or regulator - e.g. - Clinical Commissioning Group when the employee/volunteer is employed in the NHS, - Local Authority when employed in a commissioned social care provider service, - CQC when employed in a CQC regulated service, - OfSTED when employed in an OfSTED regulated service. Commissioning and regulatory agencies can check/oversee employer actions as part of regulatory and contract monitoring processes. e,g. concern is raised through adult safeguarding referral/ enquiry The information indicates an identifiable adult with care and support needs, or child, is experiencing or is at risk of abuse or neglect- REFER TO / USE ADULT or CHILD SAFEGUARDING PROCESSES.