Safeguarding Adults Procedures
113 People in positions of trust: a framework and process for responding to allegations and concerns against people working with adults with care and support needs Summary The Care Act 2014 introduced a single new statute to replace most existing adult social care law. The Care Act 2014 Statutory Guidance requires Safeguarding Adults Boards (SABs) to have arrangements in place about how allegations against people working with adults with care and support needs (i.e. those in a position of trust) should be dealt with. Most safeguarding adult work is about protecting one or more identified adults with care and support needs but sometimes a risk or potential risk may be posed by a person who works with those adults, but no specific adult is identified. Where such concerns are raised about someone who works with adults with care and support needs, it will be necessary for the employer (or student body or voluntary organisation) to assess any potential risk to adults who use their services, and, if necessary, to act to safeguard them. This document provides a framework for BCP and Dorset SABs about what to do when responding to those allegations and concerns. It is directed at agencies and individuals who are “relevant partners” as defined in Section 6 of the Care Act 2014, and/or who are members of the SABs, as well as those agencies providing universal care and support services. It should be read alongside the SABs Multi agency Safeguarding Adults Procedures and the information sharing protocol within it. Appendix 18 – Allegations against people in positions of trust (PIPOT) including employees, volunteers or councillors
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