Safeguarding Adults Procedures
112 Links with Children’s Services Harm by children If a child or children is/are causing harm to an adult at risk, this should be dealt with under the Safeguarding Adults policy and procedures but will also need to involve the local authority children’s services and possibly anti-bullying and anti-social behaviour services. Child Protection Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015 provides the legislative framework for agencies to take decisions on behalf of children and to take action to protect them from harm and neglect. Everyone must be aware that in situations where there is a concern that an adult at risk is or could be being harmed or neglected and there are children in the same household or in regular contact, they too could be at risk. If there are concerns about harm or neglect of children and young people under the age of 18, referral must be made to the relevant children and families social care department. Transition/Care Leavers Where someone is over 18 but still receiving children’s services and a safeguarding concern is raised, this should be dealt with as a matter of course through adult safeguarding procedures. Where appropriate, they should involve the local authority’s children’s safeguarding colleagues as well as any relevant partners (e.g. police or NHS) or other persons relevant to the case. This also applies where someone is moving to a different local authority area after receiving a transition assessment but before moving to adult social care. Robust joint working arrangements between children’s and adults’ services should be in place to ensure that the medical, psychosocial and vocational needs of children leaving care are assessed as they move into adulthood and begin to require support from adult services. The care needs of the young person should be at the forefront of any support planning and require a coordinated multi-agency approach. Assessments of care needs at this stage should include issues of safeguarding and risk. Care planning needs to ensure that the young adult’s safety is not put at risk through delays in providing the services they need to maintain their independence, wellbeing and choice. Appendix 17 – Links with Children’s Services
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