Safeguarding Adults Procedures

11 Steps to Safeguarding – Summary Flowchart Outcomes achieved for individual but others at risk Enquiry planning Carry out agreed actions Continue to monitor and mitigate risks for self and others Section 42(2) Enquiry – No further action Outcomes achieved Remember; to always consider mental capacity and informed consent Criteria for Section 42(1) Concern are met Who is to take actions? Raising a concern/make a referral Section 42(1) criteria not met/no statutory Enquiry required (consider other options/alternatives) Use of MARM guidance may be helpful If a child or young person is at risk refer to Children’s Services SSerServices Continue to work with individuals and develop risk reduction strategy Evaluation of outcomes Enquiry Review Meeting Ongoing safeguarding plan needed Review Safeguarding Plan No further action. Cease involvement. Outstanding Actions Yes No Review Agree other actions / options Outcomes met, Section 42 (2) Enquiry ends NB: A section 42(2) Enquiry can be closed at any point where a decision is reached that risks are being managed and the person is satisfied with the outcomes.