Safeguarding Adults Procedures
10 For more information and guidance about supporting a person who is self-neglecting or hoarding see Appendix 2 – Self-Neglect Guidance and suggested templates for screening and assessment and more detailed separate guidance produced by the SABs for organisations who could be involved in responding. Other considerations Internet/cyberbullying Can be defined as the use of technology, and particularly mobile phones and the internet, to deliberately hurt, upset, harass or embarrass someone else. It can be an extension of face-to- face bullying, with the technology offering the bully another route for harassing their victim or can be simply without motive. Cyberbullying can occur using practically any form of connected media, from nasty text and image messages using mobile phones, to unkind blog and social networking posts, or emails and instant messages, to malicious websites created solely for the purpose of intimidating an adult or virtual abuse during an online multiplayer game. Forced Marriage: Although forcing someone into a marriage and/or luring someone overseas for the purpose of marriage is a criminal offence the civil route and the use of Forced Marriage Protection Orders is still available. These can be used as an alternative to entering the criminal justice system. It may be that perpetrators will automatically be prosecuted where it is overwhelmingly in the public interest to do so, however victims should be able to choose how they want to be assisted Exploitation by radicalisation: The Home Office leads on the anti-terrorism PREVENT strategy, of which CHANNEL is part (refer to Prevent duty guidance - GOV.UK ( for information). This aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting extremism. All local organisations have a role to play in safeguarding adults who meet the criteria. Contact should be made with Dorset Police regarding any adults identified who present concern regarding violent extremism. Homelessness – homelessness does not necessarily mean that the person is at risk and it is therefore not a defined category of harm. However, circumstances such as homelessness may exacerbate other conditions and impact negatively upon adult’s ability to care for their health and to protect themselves. Cuckooing – refers to the relatively recent identification of a new type of controlling and coercive criminal activity. This involves gangs using adults at risk (and children and young people) to move, store and deliver drugs. More details are at Appendix 1
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