The River Book 2018

The River Book shows you the sights and activities you can reach on the waterways of Christchurch. The ferries, the walks, restaurants, boatyards, hotels, shops and pubs. It also tells you some of the history of the various ferry services over the last century. In addition to useful maps and photography of the area, we also include a feature of Who's Who on the river, the people who make the waterways their business for visitors and locals alike. And in the back the Tide Tables for the river and ferry and train schedules around the harbour and rivers. 4 8 24 16 SIGHTS OF THE RIVER SaIlInG and ROWInG clubS SunSEEKER - BORN IN MUDEFORD John Macklin tells the story Chris Wood picks out the top images of Christchurch MIKE WallROcK King of the River 2018 R iver B ook The Photo: Stephen Bath Photo PurchaSe Please email to purchase any photograph in this publication To order your copy of The River Book 2018, please click here